
时间:2023-06-07 06:00:00 作者:会员上传


  a: dear teachers and classmates, good morning!

  b: 各位尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好!

  a: i’m glad to preside at today's flag raising ceremony and the second general election ceremony of the student’s union

  b: 很高兴主持今天的升旗仪式暨第二届学生会换届仪式.

  a: the weekly flag raising ceremony of dongguan vrfls now begins.

  b: 御花苑外国语学校升旗仪式现在开始!

  a: march out the flag. play music.

  b: 出旗!奏乐。

  a: raise the national flag. sing the national anthem! salute!

  b: 升国旗、唱国歌,大家行注目礼!

  a.now, let’s welcome and from class__ grade __ to give us a speech.

  b.下面,有请 年级 班的 、 两位同学做国旗下演讲,大家欢迎!


  a: the student’s union is our own organization, and it is the bridge and tie between all the students in our school. here today the second general election ceremony of the student’s union will be warmly held. i’d like to declare the ceremony now begins!

  b: 学生会是学生自己的群众性组织,是学校联系学生的桥梁和纽带。今天在这里隆重的举行第二届学生会换届仪式,现在我宣布换届仪式现在开始!

  a: first, let’s invite mr. zhang to announce the name list of the cadres from the student’s union for the second term.


  a: now, we’d like to invite the former chairman of the stdudent’s union, sun yihan, to make the resignation speech on behalf of the first-term union. let’s welcome!

  b: 请我们的上一届学生会主席孙意涵代表第一届学生会做退职演讲,大家欢迎!

  a: now, the new chairman of the second-term students' union, song zijun, will be invited to make the inauguration speech on behalf of the new student’s union . let’s warmly welcome!

  b: 请第二届学生会主席宋子君代表新一届学生会做就职演讲,大家欢迎!

  a: we believe that, with the help of the school student affairs department, the new student’s union will do well in different fields. now i propose, let’s applaud once again for the new student’s union . congratulations!



  a: now, dirctor zhang will be invited to make a work summary for us. let’s welcome!


  a: let’s invite mr. liu to make a speech. please welcome!

  b: 请中学部刘主任发言!大家欢迎!

  a: that’s the end of the ceremony of flag raising and the second general election ceremony of the student’s union.

  b: 中学部升旗仪式暨第二届学生会换届仪式到此结束,请各班有序退场



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