
时间:2023-05-19 22:48:35 作者:会员上传




  My name is xu. My name is yan Chen. With large, watery eyes, the hair of the shoulders and the size of a bamboo pole. People say I look like xu ruxuan, and I look like a hybrid. But what Im curious about is, I look like a hybrid, what country is it? Also, my parents are 100 percent, pure hainanese! What am I like?

  I am very emotional, as long as there is moving or sad thing, my tears immediately like the broken pearl necklace, from my cheek slip. However, when it is time to be strong, you will not be able to shed tears, and you will not be bullied every day by others, so that others will think that I am a crying nerd. I enjoy walking on the hills and enjoying the beauty of nature. To listen to the song of nature; Enjoy the feeling of hugging me and kissing me. I also like to write a diary, record the little drops of every day I, I will write down all I cant and others said, such not only can make me comfortable, also can make the language ability more progress, it is kill two birds with one stone really. I was responsible and spontaneous, a good kid in the big population. However, I am a bit lazy and a little confused, too often lazy to buy breakfast, or forget to bring money, I must try to correct these shortcomings!

  I want to be a good teacher when I grow up, to give all the knowledge I know to my students. When they dont understand, I will explain it again and again until they get it. I want them to know that I am a teacher for them. I want them to know that learning is fun, and that there is no end and never stop.

  Now that I am a fifth grade student, I should be more sensible and more positive. For I am burdened with the expectations of many!


  My name is wang zhuo. I am 8 years old and I am a second-year primary school student. Because Im a twin, Im not tall. I have a small secret is not dare to laugh easily, otherwise two huge front teeth are exposed to other people, really a little embarrassed! But I have a pair of eyes that can tell me how good my body is: my body is great, and I am a single eyelid; When I was about to get sick, my eyes involuntarily turned into double eyelids. Do you think my eyes are magic?

  My biggest hobby is painting. I idle down and couldnt help to take a paper and pencil, after his elaborate sketch, always get a praise of my parents and neighbors, then I would have triumphantly to his brother to show off, brother also want to immediately to paint. Usually also love sports, especially the jump ball, finished supper every day, rest for half an hour after begged mom and dad for me and my brother to jilt rope, we jump while ha ha to giggle, dad see this said gently: "funny, smile is no strength to jump rope." We had been holding it for a while, but we couldnt help laughing. Our father warned us that he gave us a jump rope and we were really afraid to laugh. I have a lot of secrets. Ill tell you next time.


  Yi? In front of the mirror appears a lively and extroverted girl, is following the mirror "smelly"! The girl had black hair, thick black eyebrows, long, thick eyelashes, a very low nose, and a talking mouth. She was most proud of her large, god-like eyes, but they were covered with glasses. Hey hey, this girl, its me.

  I have many hobbies, playing chess, writing, dancing, reading... One of my favorite books is reading. I remember going to school one afternoon, and I was passing a special bookstore with my good friends, so I wanted to go in and have a look at the new magazine. Seeing the young lady in December, we both couldnt wait to buy one. Just to the classroom then open the book hungry read on, imperceptible in, the reading of the twenty minutes he added class time in the past ten minutes, this book is finished by me, friends to see the third. If I am not interested in books, I may not be able to see them for a week! I have a pair of glasses in my eye because of my book.

  I also prefer dancing. Every Saturday afternoon, I report to my teacher on time. When I was a child, I would jump with music as soon as music started. Because of my efforts, I have got the certificate and the trophy.

  I have another shortcoming, which is carelessness. Because of my carelessness, I often do my homework and exams with a decimal point, a few zeros, and Im going to make the wrong answer. In Chinese, there is also the lack of punctuation, the near antonym confused, the form near the word. I used to go with the hook.

  This is me, although there are shortcomings, but all are correcting. Would you like to be friends with this lovely little girl with a little carelessness?


  My name is zhangying,I am from Xuancheng China,I am thirteen years old and my birthday is in January,I am in Class Ten Grade Seven,I can speak Chinese and a little English,I do not have any bothers and sisters.I like going to the movies with my friends,and playing sports, my favorite subject in shcool is music,because it is very relaxing,but I do not like biology,it is too boring!


  Love and laugh, and this is me; Thats me. Like literature, this is me. A: hi! Hello, I am a regular student of six (3) class of baisha primary school -- li yuanyuan.

  I am, a short, round face with large, watery eyes. A straight nose with a small mouth that is not "rao".

  I like to smile, always have nothing to love to hang a smiling face. Maybe I was born with a sense of humor, especially a joke, and I always have a lot of fun with me. I am an active member of my family, and I am always at home with a hearty laugh. At noon, the family was at the table as usual. I couldnt help but cleared my throat and started my own "funny speech". "xiao Ming went to sleep in class and the teacher asked him why." He said, "sleep less at night; I sleep less at night because I sleep more during the day... "I havent finished yet, and my sister began to laugh with a laugh, and two" little bulbs "in her nose stole out. When I saw it, I smiled and said to my sister, "miss hong, with your free light bulb, we wont have to pay the electricity bill in the future." "Hahaha... The family laughed heartily.

  I am very careless and sometimes think of "6" as "0". Every examination, "careless" this bad guy will come out "to be", so that I have reduced the wrong point. For this, my mother did not know how much to criticize me, but I still cannot change this bad habit, this is "jiangshan yi change, this sex is difficult to move".

  Although I have many shortcomings, but love to read this point, but cannot deny the oh! There are several small bookcases in the house, and there are many famous names in the box, which are my treasures. I often pull out a book to turn over and revel in the sea of books. I will be moved by the good princess, angry at those who are not, and feel pity for the stupid peasant... I wanted to write a name, but it wasnt easy. But I believe that with the improvement of my knowledge, I can fulfill this dream.

  I, a lively and lovely girl who likes to weave her beautiful future with literature. Do you like me?



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