英文情书范文——Could This Be Real?

时间:2023-06-12 15:02:54 作者:会员上传

  dear nazri,

  two years have passed but i will never forget how we first met. i was standing there at the department store when you walked past me with a wide smile on your face. a minute later, i received a note, on the back of it you wrote, "nazri, tel:xxxxxxx." i was attached to someone else then but somehow i felt my heart skipped a beat when i saw your smiling face. the conversation we had then, i'll never forget. although you're not much of a "talker", your presence is enough to make my day. you claimed that i was your "love at first sight."

  as days passed by, i realized that what i did was wrong; to be in love with two. upon knowing my consciousness, you withdrew yourself. i still remember that painful moment… there were tears in my eyes, but you just walked away without turning back, and since that day, i never heard from you nor bumped into you. after a year and a half (presently), i still have feelings for you.

  my relationship with the other guy didn't work out and i was hoping that i might find you. "miracles do happen," people say, but i didn't believe it until i saw your face one day and today, at last, we're together! i just want the whole world to know how much you mean to me. you are my everything. i lost you before; i don't want to lose you again. till now, i always asked myself, "could this be real? is he the one for me?" the answers to my questions are in your hands. i have faith in you and never will i give that up. without your love, i'd be half a being. maybe one day you will understand. now and forever, until the time is through … i love you, nazri.

  love always,



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