
时间:2023-05-23 13:15:13 作者:会员上传

  Job in a resume is to show you a better, then you have to show your side to the applicant company? The content of your resume needs to? ?

  1, I have the basic situation;

  Name, age (date of birth), gender, place of origin, ethnicity, education, degree, political landscape, schools, professionals, height, graduation time, and so on.

  2, personal resume

  Are mainly high school and college in various stages of a general situation, but remember, we must before and after the continuous,

  3, my learning experience

  The university level, major and minor and elective subjects and achievements, in particular, should focus on reflect with you Apply relevant to something expertise. Should be focused and targeted. To make your qualifications, knowledge structure so that the employer was consistent with the terms of employment.

  4, my ability, character evaluation

  At the university years, the positions, if there are social practices, for example, a class of interns, you did what where, etc., the evaluation should be as objective as possible, do not come up with the slogan fits;



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